Protectors and Kings (Mists of the Fae Book 4) Read online

Page 7

  She nodded again and he kissed her deeply sending his love through her as he relaxed her. His hands running over her back as he held her to him. When he felt her let go, losing herself to him he slowly guided her from her slumber.

  Marcus paced at the foot of the bed. He had already Redeemed the Healer. She waited patiently in the sitting room for the Queen to rouse. He had told her enough for her to treat her and assess the young, but made it quite clear that she was not to repeat her knowledge to anyfae. She had merely bowed before him and said she would never question the will of the Divine Being.

  In a sense it amazed him how easily those around them seemed to be accepting this but then they did not yet know the full truth of the matter. Honestly there was naught they could do to change the reality of it and the way they had been presented left little room to question the truth in this. They were appointed by Divine will. Not many would risk challenging such power. There would be an adjustment period but this was the new order and he would need to find some way to help them all accept it, including Reyana and Cymeryn.

  He froze and turned towards them as they both slowly shifted on the bed. Going to her side he knelt before her. “Reya? Can you hear me love?”

  Her eyes remained closed but she reached for him and he took her hand in his. Cymeryn rose slowly to lean on his elbow besides her and spoke softly as he stroked her hair. “We are both right here, Rey. Open your eyes, love.”

  Slowly her long lashes fluttered and her eyes opened part way. She sent out her essence trying to deign where she was and they both sent their essence through her as she looked between them. “The young?” Her voice was hoarse but it was still the sweetest thing he had ever heard.

  “They are fine, Reyana. Sense them within you. It’s you we worry for, love.” He leaned down kissing her head.

  “I’m alright. I think. I feel weak though,” she whispered trying to relieve the strain in her throat. She pulled her Light to her and each of them took one of her hands trying to assist her as she healed herself.

  “Reyana, I believe you feel weak because you have not been taking proper care of yourself and you have just been through a great deal of stress.” Cymeryn kissed her head. “You need to see a Healer. Pregnancy is very hard on the body of the Fae, and you are carrying twins, my love.”

  “I Redeemed a Healer that would be suitable and she will use the greatest discretion in your care. She waits out in the sitting room. Will you allow her to treat you now?” Marcus added.

  His Reya nodded reluctantly. “If it will put you both at ease.”

  They both smiled warmly to her as they responded. “Yes.”

  She sighed returning their smiles. “Can I get dressed though?”

  Marcus rose, “I’ll grab you some robes as well Cymeryn, are your pants intact?”

  “Yes, brother I took the force of it at the shoulders.” Reyana looked to him in fear. “Do not worry love, I am well. Marcus and I can heal each other when we unite our essences.”

  She smiled brightly, “You met my Father. I saw the coronation in my mind.”

  Cymeryn cleared his throat and Marcus had to chuckle. “Yes, um well, I suppose that is what it was, but I do not think your brother was very pleased at that.”

  “He’ll get used to it,” she shrugged and leaned up kissing him softly. “I don’t plan on letting you leave me again, Cymeryn.”

  “I would not dream of it, Rey,” he whispered in reverence.

  Marcus went to the dressing area and opened his closet with a chuckle. “Cymeryn, I want to show you something.”

  He walked slowly into the area, obviously still somewhat sore. Marcus watched as his brother assessed everything he passed, taking in the dressing room as he approached. It was so reminiscent of how he had always behaved. His mind was always working, always observing.

  “What is it?”

  He motioned for him to enter the closet. On the right stood Marcus’ new robes in white and sliver decadence, his white pants and his boots, all trimmed in gold. On the other side stood Cymeryn’s in their dark gray and silver splendor, the dark pants and boots he wore. At the head of the closet there were two racks, one in each of their colors for the blades they had been given.

  “Don’t ever question, brother, that you’re supposed to be here with us,” he said simply grabbing one of his robes and handing it too him as he went to her closet leaving him to dress.

  “I no longer doubt it, Marcus. I saw it clearly when the Divine Being granted us the knowledge and gifts we have been given.” Cymeryn leaned in the doorway looking over the gowns. “I only worry over how her subjects…”

  “Our subjects,” he corrected him holding up two gowns for him to choose from.

  Cymeryn nodded, “The short one. I worry how our subjects will handle it all.”

  “Actually, with the way it occurred I don’t believe there will be much issue. Most of my concern lies in how the Guardians will respond and that will hinge on Grifyn, Kato, Devyn and Mythos. Kato seems to have accepted it, but I suspect since the coronation he now knows the parentage of the young. Grifyn will come round in his own time. Mythos and Devyn are the issue.”

  He sighed, “We should address them; Mythos at least. You promised the King answers upon our return and I do not wish for this to stress Reyana.”

  Marcus studied him minorly surprised. “Are you prepared to address it now?”

  “Yes, I think that while she is resting and under the Healer’s care we should handle this so that we can alleviate her stress,” his brother replied with a shrug.

  Marcus took the gown out to Reyana and she sat on the edge of the bed allowing them to dress her. “My love, Cymeryn and I are going to discuss things with your brother.”

  “We promised him answers upon our return and we see no reason to burden you with it,” his twin offered.

  She grimaced looking between them, “Wouldn’t it be better if I was there with you?”

  Marcus sighed considering it. “No, Reya. I have been thinking about this. I know your brother will come around, but you know how he can be. I think it will be easier on everyfae if we give him a free forum to address his concerns and anger without having to worry about your feelings.”

  Cymeryn nodded in agreement, “He is going to feel that we have taken advantage of you in some way and we need to address his concerns. At the very least I owe the King that much.”

  “I suppose so.” She looked down as a shame fell over her and he wanted nothing more than to slaughter the Kyndra yet again for the pain they caused her. “I know we agreed there’d be no more secrets, and in truth all the secrets this month caused too much of an issue when we were trying to address the situation with Star, but I would prefer they never know what…” her voice broke and they both sat beside her.

  “There is no reason for them to know, my love.” Cymeryn kissed her head.

  Marcus stroked her hair. “Mythos will be satisfied to know that you are avenged, Reya.”

  She nodded releasing a breath, “Ok, I’ll let you handle it, but if you need me I want you to come get me.”

  Marcus didn’t answer as he went to the door and brought in the Healer. They would not weigh her down with the burden of this. It was their place to address her brother’s fear that they had dishonored her. If they were going to get past this without completely damaging their relationships with the King they needed to find a way to work this out themselves, not that he would readily accept Cymeryn in any manner.

  “Your highness, this is the Healer Sanytia. She has been Redeemed Gray and will see to your personal care.”

  They watched as the Healer bowed to her, “It will be an honor to serve you, my lady.”

  “You may rise Healer,” she responded.

  Cymeryn kissed her head and joined Marcus by the door. “We will return to you once we have addressed the needs of the Kingdom, your majesty.”

  They let their essence flow to her and left her in the care of the Healer. Iyrus joined them i
n the sitting room. “She shouldn’t be disturbed until we return, Iyrus.”

  He glanced with suspicion between the two of them but simply bowed. “As you wish my lords.”

  Marcus inhaled deeply as they made their way to Grifyn’s room. It was about to be a very long eve.

  Chapter 7

  Byryn woke slowly in a bed that wasn’t his. He tried to open his eyes but it took longer than expected. Suddenly it all came back to him, Alayne, Reyana, the battle, Marcus and Cymeryn…Cymeryn. His Grandsire had saved his life. Lazurys had appeared as they were misting and cast a fiery ball of essence at them. It had been headed directly for him but Cymeryn had shifted at the last moment to block it. Had he survived?

  He felt her essence flow through him and his eyes popped open, drawn to her. His voice cracked, but at least it worked. “There you are, Brightness.”

  She kissed him, “Byryn, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”

  He forced his arm up and laid a finger against her lips. His voice strained out, “No, Staryana, it’s not.”

  Grifyn cleared his throat. “I tried to leave her to her rest but she sensed you the moment she woke. I didn’t have much luck keeping her away.”

  “Thanks Dad, she’s fine, though. I wouldn’t want her anywhere but at my side anyway.”

  He chuckled, “No I suppose not.”

  She ran her hand through his hair and he allowed it to ease him as he stared up at her. The cloud in his mind was beginning to clear. “How are you holding up, Brightness? Is it better at all?”

  “Actually it stopped a while ago.” She stared off quietly, “It’s why I was able to sleep I think.”

  Looking down at his chest he checked his bandages and cleared his throat, relieved his voice was coming back. “Dad, I know how you probably feel about him, but I need to know if Cymeryn’s alive.”

  Grifyn studied him a moment. “I believe so. He was conscious when you got here, though he had sustained some fairly bad burns. What happened son?”

  “He saved my life. Lazurys appeared as we were misting out and threw, god I don’t know. A fire ball of some sort? It was headed right at me. If I had taken its full force…” Byryn grimaced as he repositioned himself up on the pillows more so he was sitting. “I can’t imagine how Cymeryn survived it. I owe him my life.”

  Cymeryn and Marcus appeared in the doorway and entered slowly.

  “I am well, Byryn. I have abilities to absorb the Darkness that you do not and it is I who owe you more than I could say for many reasons.” Cymeryn inclined his head slightly, “You handled yourself well despite the odds and I am proud of you.”

  The words touched him in a way. He’d always sought Cymeryn’s praise and favor, it was rare for him to notice any unawakened, and really he’d barely paid him attention, but he’d at least known who he was. Vindictyn and Narcyion had always trained him and had tasks for him, some of which he thought came from Cymeryn, but the Supryn had never acknowledged him personally until he tasked him to bring him Staryana. Hearing him say he was proud of him affected him more than it should have.

  Grifyn looked at him with a raised brow but remained silent. Byryn had no idea what he thought of all this. He’d been pretty clear about what he thought of Cymeryn.

  “Thank you, Cymeryn,” Staryana whispered not meeting his eyes, “for earlier, and for bringing him back to me.”

  He smiled slightly, “You are quite welcome, Princess. I am just glad that you are all safe. How is that spitfire of a friend of yours, hmm?”

  “Steph?” She shrugged, “I assume she’s in her quarters. She snuck out while I was sleeping. I know you protected her from Alayne. Thank you, she means a lot to me.”

  He nodded quietly but seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. Really Cymeryn was always thinking so it didn’t surprise him.

  Byryn watched his Dad waiting to see if he needed to intervene as he glanced between the twins. Finally he settled on Marcus, meeting him in the eye as he sighed. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, but he wasn’t angry at least.

  Slowly he rose, approaching him. “I owe you an apology, my friend. I realize that this wasn’t your fault and I’m starting to understand some of the reasons for your secrecy. I just wish that you would have trusted us, or at least me. I thought that with as close as we had become these past months that you understood that I am ever there for you, but perhaps we still need time to build that foundation.”

  Marcus nodded, “I do trust you, Grifyn, but you must understand that there are times that I will need to come to terms with things in my own way. There are also times that I need to better assess the situation before I address it; but it is time to put an end to all these secrets. We actually came to see how you and Byryn were doing and if you would all be able to join us. We wish to speak to all of you together if possible.”

  Byryn swung his legs off the bed and pulled himself to a standing position as Staryana jumped up aside of him in panic. “What the hell do you think you’re doing Byryn a Grifyn? You only just woke up!”

  “Aww Brightness, I’m fine.” He kissed her chastely as his Dad, Marcus and Cymeryn all laughed.

  Grifyn turned clasping Cymeryn’s shoulder as his Grandsire looked to him in shock. “Thank you, Cymeryn. I know the risks you were willing to take to return my son to me as well as the state you were in upon your arrival.” Cymeryn only nodded cautiously as he released him.

  It would take time for the former Shade to acclimate to that level of acceptance. Byryn knew that feeling well, it was like whiplash in a respect. You never knew how anyone would react to the things you did because it was never how you would expect. It took time.

  “I’ll get Kato, Demytria and Trina and meet you in the King’s quarters. Oh, and you may be Kings, but you will both kiss my ass before I pay either of you formalities in my own bedchambers.” Grifyn smirked as he turned leaving them.

  They exchanged glances as they laughed. It was clear in his own way his Dad was granting some sort of acceptance to all of this. At least he wasn’t trying to kill Cymeryn or chewing out Marcus. In a respect it was a relief. After all the arguments and the altercation in the woods he’d had no idea what to expect.

  Marcus came over to he and Staryana. “How are you both?”

  She released Byryn tentatively and let Marcus pull her into an embrace. “I’m good now, I think.”

  “Good Starshine. You have no idea how much of a relief that is.” Marcus breathed deeply, “There is something that we need to tell you, though and I think we owe you the right to talk to us about it before we join the others.” He glanced to Cymeryn.

  Byryn watched as his Grandsire went to the door closing them in before coming to stand by his twin. “Staryana, I am unsure how well you will handle this, but you have a right to know.”

  Inhaling deeply Byryn sat and pulled her down beside him. “I’m right here if you need me, Brightness.” He took her hand in his glad that they’d decided to talk to her in private. Not even he knew how she would handle the news of her Mother’s pregnancy.

  She looked nervously between the two of them. “Is Mom alright?”

  They both smiled warmly and Marcus knelt down to meet her eyes. “She is Starshine, but there is something we have been keeping from you, from everyfae. I wish I could give you the time you need to get used to this, but unfortunately that is not an option we have.”

  “Staryana, when I took you from your Father you had asked me how and when I was Redeemed,” Cymeryn began. “I once loved your Mother, very much. I love her very much still. Your Mother was able to reach the love that I still held for her in my heart. It was her love that began my Redemption.”

  She looked at him with uncertainty before turning to back to the Fae that he knew she’d come to see more as a Father. “But, Marcus?”

  Byryn squeezed her hand gently knowing that even the idea of losing him sent a panic through her.

  Marcus sighed and looked to the ceiling before he continued. “We both love h
er, Starshine and she…loves us. There were some things that happened which none of us intended or necessarily planned. Your Mother is pregnant, Star.”

  She looked between the two of them in confusion. “With whose child?”

  They glanced to each other. “I know this is going to seem very confusing but you have to remember Starshine that the Divine Being sometimes sets things in motion which none of us can understand.” Marcus met her gaze.

  “She is carrying twins, Staryana; one predisposed to Night and one predisposed to Light,” Cymeryn spoke softly.

  Her eyes peeled wide. “Are you trying to tell me that she’s having both of your children? At the same time?”

  They both nodded slowly.

  Byryn rubbed her back, caressing her softly as he tried to gage her reaction. “Are you alright, baby?”

  She glanced at him and let out a deep breathe. “So what does this mean? How are you going to deal with it?”

  “We have both bound to your Mother, Staryana. She wants us both to stay.” Cymeryn explained cautiously.

  “The Divine Being crowned us both King to rule by her side. It was all by his design.” Marcus offered in justification and Byryn could tell he was thinking ahead to how he would address this with King Mythos. It wouldn’t exactly be easy. The King had been on his case about completing the Bonding for weeks. He was very protective of Reyana.

  “I know I have not given you any reason to believe me. You have certainly had very little reason to trust me, Staryana, and for that I am sorry. All I can do is tell you that I am here for you, and that I love your Mother very much. I know I have no right to ask you to accept me as part of your family…”

  Her hand rose cutting him off and she took a deep breath as she measured him. Her expression was somber but Byryn didn’t sense anger in her or even resignation. She wasn’t necessarily happy but she accepted this. She just wasn’t sure how to communicate her thoughts clearly.

  Meeting each of them in the eyes she sighed, “I knew there was more to that whole thing last month, so the two of you being with her somehow isn’t a surprise. She was just so torn and I could feel you through her, Cymeryn. The whole pregnancy thing caught me a bit off guard, but I actually dreamt about your coronation earlier and Grifyn explained what happened in the throne room when I asked about it. It’s just going to take some getting used to.” She turned to Cymeryn, “You’re right. You haven’t given me much of a reason to trust you…until today. Then you had to go and save my life, save my…Byryn’s life, and save my Mother. Hell, you even saved Steph.” She shrugged, “We’ll take it day by day and see how it goes, but I think you’ve at the very least earned a chance.”