Revelations (Mists of the Fae Book 1) Read online

Page 5

“I’ll think about it. Depends how things go.” Reyn tried to appease her, “I have to go though, I have an appointment with Liza.”

  “Oh? Her sessions work wonders don’t they?” Shelly brightened. “I don’t know how much healing they actually do, but they always leave me feeling revived and full of life.”

  “Indeed.” Reyn quipped, slinging her mat over her shoulder. “I’ll catch ya later.” They waved to each other as Reyn headed out of the studio and down the hall to Liza’s office and meditation room.

  “Come in, Reyn” Liza smiled, opening the door when she knocked. “You can leave your things in here and then get situated next door.”

  Reyn left her mat, purse and shoes in Liza’s office and went into the meditation room. The scent of incense and candles soothingly enveloping her senses as she entered the dimly lit room. There was a massage table covered with blankets in the center and a small altar with the stones and incense Liza used was against the only window. Pedestals stood in the corners of the room holding multiple candles and the curtains were always drawn to darken the space making it easier to relax. It was nothing but an office space really, but they had turned it into a place of healing and light. Although terming it ‘light’ was an odd reference she supposed, she couldn’t puzzle out why but it had always fit in her mind.

  She laid down on the massage table closed her eyes and meditated to the relaxing melody that played.

  “Just relax and let the energy flow through you.”

  Reyn sighed deeply feeling the pain bleed from her being as Liza anointed her with oils and placed stones and crystals at various points along her body. She could feel a warmth rising within her. A light wrapping around her, protecting her. The healings were always replenishing and refreshing, but today for some reason, today she also felt empowered…..awakened.

  She heard Liza gasp as the last stone was placed on her skin. A heat swirled through her, a fire igniting within. A bright light lit behind her eyelids and she struggled to keep them closed. When she didn’t feel Liza’s hands and she remained uncharacteristically quiet, Reyn relented, wondering if everything was alright. She opened her eyes to a bright glow illuminating the room. Glancing down she saw all the stones were shining brightly, emitting a powerful light. She looked over to Liza, who was squinting against the bright illumination. “What’s happening Liza?” She whispered.

  “Honestly, Reyn, I’m not sure.” The older woman murmured hesitantly as she studied her. “We always try to rebuild the body of light and open the flow of energy through the Chakras, but I have never seen anything this strong.” Her voice quivered a little. Reyn couldn’t tell if it was awe, or fear. The woman walked over resting her hand tentatively on Reyn’s forehead, over one of the stones. “You feel warm to the touch, it doesn’t hurt does it?”

  “No, actually, it feels good…..tingly” Reyn sighed again the warmth a relief she couldn’t quite describe. “So the stones have never glowed before?” She whispered as a vague recollection swirling through her mind.

  “How do you feel” “I don’t know…tingly?”

  Liza smiled, “It’s not just the stones my dear, you are glowing. It’s as if I can actually see all the energy that’s flowing through you at the moment.”

  An image flashed through Reyn’s mind. She saw herself standing on the porch, her skin illuminated in a soft glow.

  “I’m not the only one, my love.”

  “Well, it’s unusual, but whatever it is it seems to be helping you. As long as you aren’t in any pain, I guess I can continue.” Liza murmured, “I mean really the only difference is instead of visualizing it all in my mind’s eye, I can actually see it. If you didn’t see it as well I would just wonder if I didn’t reach some new level with it all. Really, though, it’s up to you. Only you know how this all feels flowing through you, though to be honest, I’m not so sure the stones are the cause of it, or that this session has anything to do with it.” The woman rambled in explanation.

  “Please, Liza,” Reyn sighed, “I haven’t felt this good in, well maybe ever.” She hesitated a moment, “Just, would you mind keeping this between us. I don’t really feel like dealing with anyone’s questions.”

  Liza laughed, “Don’t worry dear, it’s our secret. I doubt anyone would believe me anyway.”

  Marcus stood in the alley monitoring Reyana throughout her lesson. He had felt her strength grow and had gone to check on her for a moment, but she had sensed him. He had been forced to fall back to the alley. Apparently she was now able to channel her light consciously, even if she was unaware of it. Time was short indeed. He feared the awakening would take her in days, if not hours.

  He felt Kato take form beside him. “What did you find, Kato?” He asked sensing the apprehension in his old friend. Was he a friend? Did he still consider him to be that?

  “Nothing good,” Kato sighed hesitantly, “He is… unawakened.”

  Marcus’ eyes flashed. “He is not Fae, I would have sensed it.”

  “No, he is not, Marcus,” Kato regarded him cautiously. “He is Shade, but until he is awakened he is human.”

  Marcus turned away, punching the wall of the building. “He cannot be allowed to cause her harm. I won’t allow it.”

  “I understand how you feel Marcus, but we cannot kill him unless he harms an innocent. We will find another…”

  “And if he hurts her in the meantime Kato? What then?” Marcus cut him off, biting back his fury. “What if he is awakened while we are ‘finding another way’ hmmm?”

  “If he so much as scratches her purposefully, I vow to you I will be by your side as you extract your vengeance and I will lay my life before the Fates in your defense.” Kato gripped Marcus by the shoulder, “I need you, my friend. We need to move her and her young, Marcus, it is the safest option. We cannot move her to the Realm of Light before she awakens and we cannot kill the human. We need to work together. She does not know us or what we are but you are connected. I saw it last night. She trusts only you.” Kato paused. “I know you are no longer a Guardian and that you have no desire for it, but in this case, when it involves her, you must take the lead. For her safety, we must follow you.”

  Marcus turned to him raising a brow at Kato’s concessions. The Praetor of the Guardians yielded command only to the King, not even the Council could overrule his order. He sought council and guidance, but ultimately all decisions were his to make. “Are you saying the decision is mine? That I will have the final say as to her safety?”

  “Provided it does not include going against the covenants and killing the human; that is exactly what I am saying.” Kato folded his hands behind his back with a nod. “Trina and Ryo have been reassigned to assist in her protection. They are with Grifyn placing shields on a location we can move her to temporarily so that we may act with haste. From there we will follow your direction.”

  He tried to weigh out their options, though the most tempting by far was to simply kill the human, he knew Kato was right. If he killed the human he would turn. His first priority was to Reyana, if he were Shade he would be a danger to her and unable to ensure her safety. For her, he could control his rage. “I will do this, Kato. I will take command of this mission only. It changes nothing, however. I am no longer Praetor and I will return to neither my post nor to the Guardians.”

  Kato bowed slightly, “I will respect your decision. The option however will remain as it has always.”

  Suddenly there was a large spike of power from inside the studio. He and Kato exchanged glances. “It may be a moot point, my friend. Her body of Light grows strong. She is channeling it. The awakening will be upon her in mere days, if not hours at this rate.”

  Kato smiled slightly at the reference but remained silent. He felt the Fae’s essence reach out as he studied the brick wall of the building she was in. When he spoke it was almost reverently. “It is indeed Reyana. She is stronger than any Fae I have sensed. You are right Marcus, she will awaken very soon, but we have not figured out how t
o handle the issue with Star’s humanity as of yet. We do not believe Reyana will leave her behind.”

  “No, she won’t.” Marcus groaned, “Besides, she is too young, she needs her mother. Especially as her father is Shade. So long as Reyana takes to the Light and we can keep her from him, all is not lost.”

  “I had not even considered the influence of the blood bonds within Star.” Kato grimaced. “The child cannot be turned, she is a direct link to Reyana.”

  “She is much more than that, Kato, she is her young.” Marcus shot back thinking of the girl. He had watched her grow, had even dared to rock her to sleep as a baby on occasion or to comfort her when her nightmares had plagued her. In many ways he thought of her as his own, but there was no reason to reveal such inclinations. She would likely never know him.

  “Indeed,” Kato murmured looking as if he wanted to comment further.

  Suddenly an icy chill bled through the alley as the shadows started to slither and shift into forms.

  “How much longer will she be in there?” Kato glared into the alley sensing the number of Shadows in the area.

  “Not long enough,” Marcus growled.

  Grifyn, Trina, and Ryo took form behind them. “I thought we might need some help.” Kato explained with a shrug.

  Marcus nodded, grateful for the added assistance, there were too many to take this lightly.

  “That’s a lot of Shadows,” Grifyn grimaced drawing twin daggers from their sheaths. “They just won’t leave her be.”

  “Lazurys will not rest till he possesses her,” Marcus nodded, surprising even himself. He generally remained silent unless he was addressed. “He craves her power.”

  Grifyn raised an eyebrow, noticing the concern in his voice, “He won’t succeed. You are not alone in this… friend. Any of us would lay our lives down for hers…or yours.”

  Marcus cringed, ignoring the comment. He met eyes with Kato briefly who nodded in his direction. Could he trust them? One thing was certain, he couldn’t protect her without them. He glanced around at the group as they drew weapons and readied themselves for the onslaught that slowly inched its way towards them. There was something in this that felt…right, preparing for battle with them by his side, but after all that had happened. After Cymeryn, how could he trust it?

  Reyn sat up feeling refreshed and alive, but as she glanced down she felt uncertainty creep in. She was still glowing. “Am I imagining it?” she whispered.

  “I am afraid not, Reyn. I see it too.” Liza studied her looking puzzled before glancing around at how Reyn lit up the room. “Here let me get my shawl, you should probably cover yourself up some, hmmm?”

  Reyn sighed studying her hand. What would she do if it didn’t fade? What did it mean? If anything it felt as if it were growing stronger, not fading. She couldn’t help but feel as though this somehow had something to do with the return of her dreams. She was scared. What if she were really losing her mind? What if she really was crazy?

  “Have faith, Reyana,” A strong voice whispered through her mind. “You must trust in yourself.” A warmth caressed her skin as radiance glowed around her, complimenting her own luminescence. “Follow your heart child. Love is the key.”

  Reyn smiled slightly. The energy that embraced her made her feel safe, complete. As if she could handle this despite the craziness. She reassessed herself. Whatever was causing this glow made her feel healthy and stronger than she had in years. She wasn’t the only one who had seen it, Liza had witnessed it too. Whatever was happening, whoever that voice belonged to, she didn’t have the slightest idea. It didn’t matter though, this felt right. She may not understand what it meant, or know what was yet to come, but she couldn’t imagine feeling this good would be a bad thing. She had to trust in herself. She had always followed her intuition, she couldn’t doubt it now or she would lose herself completely

  “Here we go,” Liza chimed, all but floating into the room. She wrapped a shawl around Reyn’s shoulders.

  “Thanks, Liza.” Reyn smiled.

  “No, thank you, Reyn.” Liza beamed, “I feel absolutely energized and younger than I have in years. I know this is all a little unsettling, but whatever it is, I have to believe there’s a reason. I don’t believe it will bring you harm.”

  “You’re right, Liza,” Reyn sighed again, “I can’t remember the last time I felt this good, or this strong. But I have to ask, you don’t even seem fazed by all this?”

  “There are things in this life, things no one can explain. Some call it magic, or divine intervention.” Liza shrugged. “I believe that everything that happens in life? It happens for a reason, dear. Even mysterious illnesses and unusual glows.” The older woman moved about the room putting away crystals and candles as she spoke. “If we fear it, and hide from the things we don’t understand, then we’ll never know the truth we’re meant to find. This whatever it all is, Reyn, is obviously part of your truth. I may not understand it, but it isn’t hurting me, and it isn’t hurting you. In all honesty it feels wonderful, and that’s all I need to know. Enjoy it, hon, whatever it is, it’s meant for you.” Liza turned back to her winking as she gave her a hug.

  “Thanks, I will.” Reyn stood smiling as went to the office gathering her things. She popped her head out of the office cautiously to be sure no one was in the hallway. She wasn’t sure how obvious the glow illuminating her skin was. She moved swiftly through the building hoping that once she got outside the sun’s rays would mask the glow.

  When she touched the glass door to the exit, Reyn cringed. It felt cold as ice though it had been over seventy degrees already when she got to the studio this morning. “What the hell?” She murmured. An image of him holding her flashed into her mind, shadows swirling around them probing an unseen boundary of light while an icy chill settled in her bones. “I must go, I am going to stop this. It will be alright, but whatever you hear, whatever happens, stay inside.”

  She looked around outside through the glass, but all she saw was a beautiful sunny day. She knew he would want her to stay inside and though she felt silly considering what her dream fantasy would tell her to do, she knew it was probably the safest option. Unfortunately she couldn’t stay here and wait until someone saw her. She didn’t know how any normal person would react to her human light bulb routine.

  She closed her eyes drawing on the light and heat she felt within, hoping it would protect her from any danger that lay beyond the door. When she opened her eyes she was amazed to see that the light coming from her skin had increased to the point it now brightened the hallway. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door, but everything remained bright and sunny. There was no denying the icy chill she felt, however. It was close, very close. She closed her eyes and reached out with her senses. She felt a strong darkness, but she also felt him.

  Her eyes shot open in panic, the alley! There was no other way to the parking lot. The studio had no rear exits and the only other way around was 2 blocks over. All the store fronts and offices were linked. They were waiting for her. It had to be a trap, but why? What would anyone want with her? Glancing at her skin she realized there was so much she didn’t know.

  After weighing her options she reached out again, there was a dark presence, a lot of them actually, but he was there. He wasn’t alone either though. Guardians, she thought for no apparent reason. The word sent echoes through her being. Something ancient stirred within her and the light surrounding her grew brighter. She couldn’t stay here. She didn’t know what was happening but she knew she was exposed, and that couldn’t be a good thing. She had to trust in her instincts and trust that they would protect her. Cautiously she walked the few feet over to the alley, looking into the shadows that seemed darker than usual, but she didn’t enter it.

  She gasped when she saw the scene before her. Five warriors clashed against, living darkness. Shadows slithered about, attacking them. She screamed as a shadowy claw lunged out towards her from the darkness, but the second it made contact wi
th the sunlight it shriveled and melted, the creature it was attached to jumping back howling in pain. She started at it a moment, as it glowered at her, slithering back and forth. Fear and panic gripped her chest making it difficult to breath, but then she felt him. The one that was hers. She looked up meeting his blue gray eyes as they glowed through the darkness.

  Chapter 5

  As Marcus met Reyana’s eyes he saw the confusion and fear in them. He could only hope she couldn’t see or sense his own fear. He needed her to trust him. “Stay there Reyana!” He shouted, “They cannot reach you in the Light!”

  She nodded. “But, what if someone sees me?” He looked up and really looked at her. No wonder she looked so confused. The Light emanating her was visible even in the noonday sun.

  “I will…take care of it,” He grunted pulling the head off of a Shadow, “You have to trust me, love.”

  She met his eyes again and nodded with a strength and resolve in them that he had not seen since she was his, one hundred years ago. He turned to Kato, who met him with concerned eyes. Lowering his voice he whispered, “We have a problem, if I can’t reach her…”

  “The awakening will take her,” Kato nodded. “Clear him a path.” He called over his head driving his sword through a shadow so hard that it hit the wall creating sparks. He pulled the sword back through his prey as the other Guardians shifted to clear the way to the head of the alley.

  Just as Marcus was about to turn to push his way through the battle an evil laugh echoed from the darkest part of the alley behind them. One that chilled his blood to its core. Cymeryn.

  A hand clapped him on the shoulder. Kato’s voice coarse at his ear. “Go to her Marcus, get her out of here, now.”

  Marcus, turned to face Cymeryn, his rage rushing to the surface. He stared into blackened eyes. A face that was so like his own, only clouded with the Darkness. His twin’s laughter echoed as hatred coursed through him.