Revelations (Mists of the Fae Book 1) Read online

Page 17

  “Good, very good,” He murmured, “Now push the essence, the energy you feel swirling through you, push it out of you through me, slowly though.”

  She felt confused a moment, “But it’s not just Light. It’s Dark as well.”

  “That’s alright love I can take it. You will not hurt me. If it’s too much for you let me help you bear it.”

  She hesitated but then the pain began to spill over her again. She pushed her essence into him slowly till the pain began to ease.

  “That’s it love.” Marcus murmured in encouragement as he slowly caressed her back. “Now when you feel it start to ebb off completely, pull some back. We need to keep it balanced within you so the changes can take hold and this can end.”

  She pulled back drawing some of his essence into herself until she felt just the slight tinge.

  “That’s enough, good, my love.” He kissed her softly, “I will help you as best I can but when you feel it’s too much you must push it out of you. When you feel it is ebbing to a stop pull it back. You will know when it is enough.”

  “Ok,” She nodded, “Will it be very long?”

  “It can. I don’t know because of your unique circumstances.” He admitted.

  She began to relax and was suddenly very surprised as her eyes fluttered open to meet his.

  “Hello, love,” He kissed her forehead.

  “I was dreaming?”

  “No, I was speaking to you in your mind, trying to reach you through the connection we share. You were out cold when I got here. There was no other way to reach you.” He kissed her forehead. “Sharing your essence works exactly the same though. You were in fact doing it physically as you went through the mental mechanisms of it.”

  She shifted slightly in his arms only to blush. She felt no sheet between them and they were both, very, very naked. She felt the firmness of his muscular body meet the soft curves of her own as if they matched perfectly together despite how large he was in comparison. His hand ran down her arm and she could see the essence flowing between them with each touch. Her skin began to feel as though it were boiling for an entirely different reason. She felt the thick length of his sex pressed between them and she gasped ever so softly as it rubbed against her when he shifted his body slightly.

  “What is it my love?” A low seductive quality crept into his voice as he stared at her with hooded eyes.

  She looked at him staring at his lips, “I didn’t realize we were, um, naked.”

  “I hope it doesn’t offend you. You were so far gone when I got here, I needed to cool your body and to get as much essence out of you as quickly as possible. This seemed the most effective. Though now that the majority of the danger has passed, I won’t deny I find this quite pleasurable. Lying her with you, like this.”

  She blushed, “We’ve lain like this before.”

  His face grew serious. “Never in this life outside of a dream. I have never taken advantage of your ignorance of what was real and what wasn’t. What happened in your dream last night would never have occurred if you hadn’t responded to me like that. I would have left after simply comforting you.”

  “And if I responded to you like that now?” She mused.

  The soft growl that rumbled in his chest made her smile. “I don’t want to take advantage of you, Reyana. Your marriage, Sean, there are things we must discuss. Make no mistake I want you. I would die to be in you right now, but I would rather wait than have you resent me for it.”

  “Hmmm,” She mused, “Well, from what I gather, Sean is now Shade, or soon will be.” She moved slowly deliberately against his body as she kept herself in check maintaining the balance of their energy between them.

  “He is. He is now Shade.” Marcus groaned in restraint.

  “And that makes our marriage null and void am I correct.” Her voice was all but a purr and she was enjoying the effect it had on him.

  His grip on her tightened slightly his mouth inching closer to hers as he nodded.

  “Neither of us are Human, and our Human marriage no longer binds us. I would never choose Sean now. Not even if he was like us.”

  Marcus met her eyes as he searched for the truth in them. “I need to know why, love. I need to hear you say it.”

  She brought her hand to his face the glow of the essence that flowed through it lighting the contours of his features. “I can’t remember it, but I can feel it Marcus. It’s only ever been you. I love you. There could never be another now that I’ve found you.”

  His eyes closed a moment, “I have always loved you Reyana. For one hundred and twenty-nine years no other has owned my heart.”

  “Then show me.” She whispered, “Show me what it felt like when we were one. Make me yours again”

  His mouth took hers with a hunger that she felt in her core as his tongue pushed hungrily into her mouth, entwining with her own. Their bodies pressed together as he rolled her on her back and she felt his sex nudge against her core. She vaguely heard a door close and Marcus chuckled pulling back a moment.

  Reyana turned beat red. “Who was that?”

  “I was so engrossed in you I had forgotten Mythos was still in the room.” He looked mildly embarrassed as he looked her over.

  “Oh my god, he didn’t see me like this did he?” She was mortified. She’d only just met her brother and manage to embarrass herself in front of him the same day.

  “No, no, my love, I would never allow even he to see you as such. I undressed you once I had you fully shielded.” He smirked, “In truth I doubt that he knew you were naked until he heard you say such. He likely only stayed to be sure I didn’t seduce you.” He smiled devilishly, “But there is naught he can say about you seducing me.”

  Marcus reached up and pushed the hair back from her face, lightly caressing his fingers down her neck to her chest. He cupped her breast as his thumb ran light circles around her nipple. He watched her raptly as her body arched up into his ever so slightly. “Let us not worry about your brother’s sensibilities. If he had issue he would have spoken such.”

  “Mmmm, what would you like me to worry about?” She gasped as he leaned down, and she felt the soft, moist caress of his tongue as it teased her nipple.

  “I don’t want you to worry, love. I only want you feel.” He whispered against her breast his tongue lashing out between the warm breathes of his words. His arm slipped under her and pulled her body up tighter against his. His tongue trailed over to her other breast as he began to tease its nipple. “I want to taste and tease every part of you that I have dreamed of touching for a hundred years. I want our essence to merge so completely that you will know once more that you are and always will be a part of me.”

  “Please, Marcus,” She moaned as she felt his essence push into her and she pushed hers into him in kind as it became just slightly too much. His free hand lightly caressing her skin.

  He chuckled softly as his tongue lapped slowly at her nipple, “Soon love. You are almost to the height of your awakening.”

  She began to wonder what that had to do with anything, but as his body slid down her and his mouth slowly kissed and licked down her stomach, there was nothing but her and him. Lost in each other. Their energies merging. She arched off the bed with a moan as his tongue suddenly licked slowly up her core and delicate folds then found a rhythm that took her right to the edge as he teased her clit. He lightly nibbled then flicked his tongue over it holding her body tight to his mouth as she squirmed griping the sheets. When he slid two fingers into her core pulsing them with the rhythm of his tongue’s caress she slid over the edge as a wave of Light flowed over her into him that she could not control. Her body spilled its sweet juices over his tongue and fingers.

  Marcus groaned against her core as he removed his fingers so he could lap up her sweet nectar, reveling in the feel of the wave of essence that rocked through his body. She tasted, she felt just as she had one hundred years ago. He wanted to enter her, he wanted to take her as his own once more, but he had
to be sure she understood.

  “Reyana, my beautiful Reyana,” He moaned into her core drinking from her cup as her body shuddered through the last of her orgasm. He lifted his head to stare at her. How beautiful she was. Her skin was shifting to the golden luminance of the Fae, her auburn hair had begun to take on some of the golden highlights it had once possessed and her beautiful blue eyes had a soft luminesce of their own. She was almost there.

  “Are you certain my love you? This is what you want?” He hesitated. “Sex is not the same for the Fae as it is for humans, it creates an intense bond that binds lovers as mates. It is more sacred than marriage. It is not something easily broken.”

  “Aren’t we already bound?” She sat up gently grabbing his face guiding him so that they were face to face. “I can feel you in me. In my blood. In my heart, my mind. We’re already connected Marcus.”

  “But this is will strengthen and reaffirm that, Reyana. I do not wish to rush this or for you to ever feel I have taken advantage of you in this.” He searched her face, her eyes. He wanted to hear her say it, to know that after all this time she was giving herself to him for eternity once more.

  She kissed him gently, “Now and forever, Marcus, I’m yours. I have always been yours. I will always be yours. There is nothing else in this world that has ever made me feel whole. The closest I’ve ever felt before was in your arms in dreams, even when the Darkness was chasing us. You are the half that makes me whole Marcus. Today, tomorrow, for all eternity I am yours.”

  It was all he could take. He pulled her mouth to his as he laid her down. He could feel the moment coming. Her awakening was about to peak. He pressed against her core pushing in just enough so she could have a slight taste of the tip of his sex and the moan that came from her was almost enough to have him thrusting into her, but he wanted her to feel the full strength of their union. He wanted to feel it, needed to. It was said that Fae who awakened their mates and took them at the height of their awakenings felt a bond so profound nothing could break it. That the pleasure between them at the peak was beyond imagination.

  He felt the essence between them spike and he thrust in deep to her core beginning to ride it, the essence flowing between them in waves of pure ecstasy as her core spasmed against his sex. Her nails dug into him as her body arched and the delicious sound of her gasps and moans brought him to the edge. They merged as one; body, essence, and soul. Light swirled around them both as their pleasure took them over the edge and he erupted into to her core as her own orgasm milked him.

  Something in him shifted and he felt the change take hold within him. Their union making him whole once more. Even more so he felt the strength of her awakening coursing through him as if it had been his own. The Darkness was still there in him but it was different, not an illness or a curse. It was a balance in him. As he looked in her eyes as the images of their lives played through both of their minds. He kissed her holding her tightly as he rolled them so she was lying on his chest keeping them joined. Marcus caressed her through the images that spilled into them both. His memories and hers.

  She kissed him through those of passion, clung to him through the pain. He caressed her through the love and joy, and pulled her closer through the regret and tears. Marcus had never felt anything so profound, never felt so complete as he did in this union with her. Their first mating had been a divine experience. He had never thought he could reach a higher state of pleasure as he had when they became one, but this was transcendental. He knew everything she had ever felt; the pleasure the pain. He knew the love she had for him, the regret she felt at leaving him when she realized she had to sacrifice herself to save them all. Everything. Her power and strength coursed through him as his coursed through her.

  “I have no words,” He murmured in awe kissing her head.

  She smiled at him the golden glow of her eyes shone brightly and a soft glow remained on her skin. She was the most beautiful being he had ever seen and not just because she was his. She looked as if she were a goddess in Fae form, which he supposed in a respect, was exactly what she was.

  She kissed his chest. “I have never felt anything so profound in my existence.”

  “Do you remember? Everything?”

  She nodded. “I can feel them all, the connections I have to each of them. Their worries, their fears. In fact, I would get up and beat the crap out of that Byryn kid for making out with Star if I didn’t know it was helping to protect her.”

  He cocked a brow with a chuckle. “They remind me of a couple we used to know.”

  “Hmmm,” She seemed deep in thought, “She’s still my little girl though, Marcus. I know our customs and I sense her awakening is close despite her years, but she is still my little girl.”

  “I know love, we will deal with it together, hmmm?” He hooked her chin kissing her lightly, “You are after all a part of me, and that means Star is a part of me as well. I will always care for her as my young.”

  “I love you.” She said as she met his eyes and he pulled her up to him.

  “Who knows, once things are more settled, maybe we give her a sister or brother?” He pushed his erection deeper into her core as he realized they were still connected and reveled as she moaned against his mouth. “The trying is always the best part.”

  She kissed him deeply as her body rocked with his and they lost themselves in one another once more.

  Mythos closed the door as he emerged from the room. Grifyn and Ryo bowed and he motioned them to rise.

  “Is she alright?” Grifyn asked.

  “More than alright I would think.” He grunted. He had no idea what had him feeling so overly protective. They had been mated before and he had heard her consent and declarations of love with his own ears. All he could think, however was that it was his sister in there, losing her innocence as quickly as she regained it. He knew Marcus to be a Fae of honor and this was the healing they both needed. There was just something in him that wanted her to be young and enjoy being innocent and newly Fae, while she remained wholly innocent…and unattached. The curse of being the older brother he supposed.

  When he turned he nearly choked on the urge to rip some boy from his niece as he witnessed the daughter apparently following the same course as her mother.

  “My lord,” Grifyn spoke, “Do not act hastily. He is healing her.”

  “With his tongue down my niece’s throat?” He gritted trying to contain his protective instincts.

  “Her Father had reached into her mind while she was vulnerable from Reyana’s awakening. Her essence was shifting towards Darkness. He may have acted rashly, but I believe if not for that boy we would have lost her already. Sean is now the Shade, Syneous.”

  Mythos groaned. “Who is the boy exactly? I do not recall him. And where is Trina?” He asked suddenly aware of her absence.

  Grifyn paled, seemingly unable to choke out the words.

  “The Shade, Trevyn a Cymeryn has taken Trina, my lord.” Ryo supplied.

  Mythos cursed. He knew of the secret bonding that Grifyn and Trina had sought to hide, though he had never addressed it. He understood the reasoning behind it and they had always functioned beyond the anticipated performance with sound reasoning. No Fae in high rank wanted to risk his mate being used against him as had occurred with Reyana and then Demytria.

  He clapped Grifyn on the shoulder before he paced the room. “Is there ought else I must know before we begin to form our next recourse?”

  “The Council approached me, my lord.” Grifyn responded, seeming to force himself to speak. “They requested I claim the throne as they profess you dishonor our Fae by ignoring the direct decrees meant to protect them. They are fools, my lord to even think they had hope to convince me of such a thing.” He bowed.

  Mythos nodded. “I had known it was a recourse they might seek, but I was with Marcus and you were their only other option so I knew they had little chance of unseating my rule.”

  “If I may speak freely your majesty?”
/>   “Always, my friend.” Mythos nodded.

  “They would have found me no more obedient than you, my lord. In fact, I think it is high time you seize the rule you have been given by birth. They tie your hands with politics but this is not an age of politics. It is an age of war.” Grifyn stated simply.

  “I agree with you, Grifyn. It was my thought when I chose to take action. There is more that concerns me with their doctrines and decrees than politics however. I have to ponder this through thoroughly before I speak such harsh accusations.”

  He noticed the boy was now staring at him oddly, as he had apparently managed to dislodge himself from Staryana, though she seemed fused to his side.

  “What is it son? You look as though you have something to say.” Mythos spoke sensing the boy’s apprehension.

  He rose tentatively and met eyes with Grifyn who motioned him forth as he spoke. “My lord, this is Byryn. It is very long story but Marcus and I have tested the boy, he is to be trusted despite his origins…”

  “His origins?” Mythos cut him off sensing Byryn as he approached. His brows peaked. “You are unawakened Gray. How is that possible?”

  The boy looked confused at the statement, but bowed before him as he spoke. “I do not know of the Gray, Lord Mythos. I am Byryn, blooded son of the Shade Trevyn, and until today I have lived my life in the Darkness, raised in the traditions of the Shade.”

  “And what has changed today, Byryn?” Mythos implored as he took in the young unsure what to make of what he sensed in him. Until this morn he himself did not even know of the Gray.

  Fear laced his being as he thought he might be struck down, but he had something to say and he was determined to say it. It was commendable. “I shared essence with Staryana, your majesty, and I…Well, I don’t really know what happened but I was not as I once was.”

  “You may rise and speak what is on you mind, boy.” Mythos regarded him with harsh tones wondering in just what ways he shared essence with his niece.