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Revelations (Mists of the Fae Book 1) Page 16

“Seems to be a very foolish move. Things continue to worsen but they do not move to change it?” Marcus murmured. “Have many turned unexpectedly?”

  “Yes,” Ryo conceded. “Many of those wounded are returned to the cities once they have been healed only to turn months or years later.”

  “What of the Luxyn? How many of them remain?”

  “There are but five. Mythos, Kato, Grifyn, yourself, and Devyn. Devyn accepted Cymeryn’s former post as Commander of the Fronts.” Ryo explained. “He is to lead and engage only if necessary until Kato finishes his investigations.”

  “Investigations?” Marcus asked raising a brow.

  “Indeed. He began to fear there may have been some infiltration to the city as well as the Guardians but he had found no evidence of such. I do believe he told no one but Grifyn and Devyn his suspicions, but I overheard and was sworn to silence.”

  “Then why tell me?” Marcus was slightly taken aback.

  “Kato came to me days ago. He told me you and Reyana were of the highest import. He would protect you both at all costs because he believed that you were both the key to the salvation of the Fae.” Ryo met him in the eyes. “He tasked me with relaying this all to you should he fall. He wanted me to tell you he did his best in your stead, but that he believes only you and Reyana have the ability to right the wrongs in our realm.”

  Marcus cursed. “Kato has not yet fallen.”

  “He was not doing well when we left him.” Ryo explained. “Even if he does not fall he will be compromised like Grifyn. Kato believed only you could help them master the Darkness. That only you could lead them.”

  “I don’t know that he is right in that assumption.”

  “Perhaps not in this moment.” Ryo supplied, “But he believed that Reyana’s awakening would bring about a transformation in you both. That your fates were bound through eternity and that was why you had not only disappeared but why Alysse had placed you with her since her youth. He believe her entire purpose was to strengthen that bond. As much as she was chosen, he claimed so indeed were you.”

  There was some truth to that that Marcus could not ignore. He had indeed been trapped within the Sanctuary while he found a balance within himself. He had even felt compelled to wait here, never knowing why. When Alysse came to him and sent him to Reyana, now the human Reyn, he had wondered if this were all the design of Lucerna. He, of course had dismissed it, having had no faith at the time. He could not deny though that they had been a step ahead of the Shade this whole time with her. There had to be some divine intervention in it; especially with how badly the Darkness had infiltration the Kingdom of Light. With all the information Alysse had given them it was hard to not recognize the fact that the Darkness was still using the Tainted as a weapon in the war. To what end? Was it just to obtain Reyana or was there something more they were after?

  There was a sudden cry and Star collapsed, Light essence swirling around her. Marcus rushed to her side, “What happened?”

  “I don’t know,” Byryn sounded panic as he held her to him, “The essence started to surge forth all the sudden. I tried to balance it but it was sheer Light. It was too much, too quickly for me to draw. Is she awakening?”

  “No! She’s not,” Marcus took the girl from Byryn and took off at a dead run calling behind him, “Hurry, we are almost to the entrance of the cave! I must reach Reyana immediately!”

  He did not stop to see if they still followed, but he knew Byryn was right at his side. They reached the cave and he paused drawing back the moss that camouflaged the entrance. “There are traps, Grifyn will need to lead you through behind me. He will recognize them.”

  He rushed through the cave not looking back. He made short work of evading the traps moving as fast as he could in this realm with Star in his arms. It was a tight fit at best, but they made it through very quickly. He was surprised to find Byryn was right behind him, but it was convenient and he handed Star back to him, running to get the bridge. They burst into the cabin. He could see a bright Light spilling from under the bedroom door. It was blinding as it burst open.

  “Hurry Marcus,” Mythos urged but Marcus was already at her side.

  He stripped his shirt and climbed into bed drawing her to his chest. He began to pull as much essence into him as he could manage. He could only hope it was enough and that he was not too late.

  Star spun around. She felt as though she was choking. There was a glowing fog that engulfed her, blinding her. It was so thick that each breath she drew choked her.

  “Starshine,” A voice pleaded with her, “Starshine, please let me help you.”

  The voice was so far away but it came from everywhere. It was laced with concern and fear. He was afraid for her. “I love you, Starshine. I don’t want to lose you. Please follow my voice.”

  She felt like she was dying. She reached out but she couldn’t feel Byryn, just this Light. It was so hot, burning her, overpowering her. The voice was like a cool balm to her skin. She didn’t know what to do, she didn’t want to die. She reached out to the voice.

  “That’s it Starshine, let me help you. Let me show you who you truly are.”

  She began to walk towards the voice. Each step closer to the voice the burn seemed to fade. The Light dimmed to a bearable level and just beyond lie nothing but Shadows and Dark wispy mist. A man stood there walking towards her. Her father slowly emerged.

  “Dad?” She asked confused, scared.

  “Don’t be frightened, Starshine, I know this is all very confusing.”

  She took a step back but she could feel the pins and needles she still felt stinging her skin increase.

  “Please don’t go Starshine, hear me out.” Her Dad pleaded.

  “Why? You lied to me. You told me Mom was with relatives. You,” She pointed, “Were going to let Cymeryn take me.”

  “Only to keep you safe from them, sweetheart.” He sighed. “I wish you could see what I have. That you could know.”

  “I don’t need to see what you know Dad, I saw how you treated her. I heard you threaten her.”

  “I know, I was out of control,” Her Dad sighed looking lost. “I never would have hurt your Mother, Star I love her. I always have. But she was letting them manipulate her; letting them turn her against me. They made her sick Star, and she couldn’t see it. I didn’t even understand it.”

  “Cymeryn came to me and he showed me the truth. He took me to meet my Father, your grandfather.” He smiled, “He showed me how different we are Star, you and me. We are gifted with great powers and I needed to learn to control those powers. Cymeryn agreed to help me.”

  “Then why try to kidnap me?” Star asked suspiciously.

  “Because I knew they were coming for you and I knew if I told you the truth it would be too much. You never would have believed it. I needed to show you. Cymeryn said that Byryn was like us, that we could trust him. We never thought in a million years that they could have manipulated him.”

  “That doesn’t make sense, Dad. Byryn cares about me. He would never do anything to hurt me. Besides I heard the message his Father left him, myself. Cymeryn wants him dead for helping me.” Star couldn’t wrap her head around all this. She felt like the world was warping around her.

  “Listen to me, Star, really think about it. How well do you know, Byryn? What has he really told you about himself? What have any of them? I bet they only gave you half-baked excuses as to why they shouldn’t or couldn’t, right? And what about Byryn? Don’t you think it was convenient that he was right there waiting for us when we came out of the school? Isn’t it strange that if he really thought he was going to die, and was as he claimed to be, that he would risk everything to help you? That message could have been left by anyone. How do you even know it was his Father?” Her Dad continued to plead, begging her to hear him.

  This didn’t make any sense. Everything her Father said was true, but she knew she had reason to fear him. She had sensed it, but what if that was just fear of the unknown. She was afra
id of what had happened between Byryn and her in the hall earlier. What was it that Steph had said? It was as if he had her in some sort of trance. What if he did?

  “They brainwashed her Star, you can’t trust your Mom. They are trying to turn her into a weapon to use against us. Your Mom doesn’t deserve all this. She didn’t ask for it. If they succeed Starshine we will lose her forever. I’m going to try to help her but first I need to be sure you’re safe. Please let me help you. I’m afraid they are gonna hurt you, honey. They are going to try brainwash you just like they did her.”

  “Did you cause this, this attack? Is that how you brought me here?”

  He laughed slightly, “No, honey, you brought yourself here. You’re quite strong. As for this attack? Whatever they are doing to your Mom brought it on.”

  “I don’t know who to believe.”

  “Have I ever lied to you, honey? Have I ever hurt you?” Her father reached out holding her gently by the arms.

  “No, but you’ve been so different lately. So angry and mean.”

  “I know honey, I know. And I am so, so sorry for that. It was all these changes taking place in my body. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.” He looked so very sincere. “I can’t change how I was, and it breaks my heart that I upset you, but all I can do is try to fix it now. Please let me fix it Starshine, please. I can’t lose you both. It would destroy me.”

  Star broke down crying. She was so confused, so scared. She didn’t know what was right and wrong. All she knew right now was she felt like a scared little girl who wanted her Daddy and he was right here trying to make it right.

  Her Father embraced her and she felt a cooling chill spread over her skin and slowly seep into her heart. “Shh, Starshine. It will be alright, everything will be alright. I’m gonna fix everything just let it flow over you, through you. Let me strengthen you.”

  Byryn sat on the couch holding Staryana not sure what to think. One minute her skin was boiling the next it was suddenly cool. Not icy like the Shade but definitely cooler than a human. She still emitted that glow but something was definitely wrong. Grifyn and Ryo entered the cottage and he sought out Grifyn’s eyes but they never lifted from the floor.

  It was Ryo who spoke, “Is everything alright Byryn? She should be improving now. Is she alright?”

  “Yes.” He said hesitantly.

  “Yes?” It was Grifyn who spoke, now on alert somehow. His head rose as he regarded Byryn. “You don’t sound sure of that.”

  “I, I don’t know.” Byryn tried to figure out what exactly he thought was happening as he stared at her. “She feels…..cold.”

  Grifyn walked over and felt her skin. “Her Father must be with her.” He grimaced. “This is not good. We have no way to reach her. Your bond is new I doubt you can reach her in her mind and her mother is going through the awakening. He will try to shift the balance in her to Dark.”

  Byryn grew silent. He tried to recall all the knowledge he had been taught of the Fae. “Light is love, correct?”

  Grifyn nodded seemingly pained.

  “Then please make sure no one kills me for this.” He pulled her to him and kissed her, focusing on every warm emotion they shared. Every ounce of laughter, every embrace. Every soft look, every moment of trust and all that it stirred in him. He focused on his need to keep her safe and to hold her in his arms. He focused most of all on his need to stay with her always. He didn’t know for sure if it was love, but it was all he had. All he could do was hope that it worked.

  He sent the Light she had created in his heart through her. Feeling the warmth of it. Her mouth moved slowly, softly against his; opening slowly as his tongue probed for entry. Their essences united on a surge and he felt the Darkness that seeped slowly through it. He could only hold fast to what he hoped was the love he had for her and pray it was enough. Except really, pray to who? Not like Lucerna would hear him and Lazurys would destroy him. Right, best not to think about any of that. Just love.

  Slowly he felt the Light they passed back and forth emerge, her body responding at last to his. It churned slowly through them both, wrapping around them. It was weaker than he thought it had been, but it was still there.

  Syneous rose as Cymeryn approached.

  “Well?” His patience was lost. The Lord Lazurys had already sent forth a summons to meet with him in an hour.

  “I can’t reach Reyn, I believe she may be awakening as we speak, but I have managed to merge some of my essence with Star. I implanted seeds of doubt and allowed my essence to flow through her, giving her a taste of the power and freedom she could possess. The boy tried to interfere, but the damage is done.” Syneous smirked.

  “Well done Syneous, you have earned your right to continue herein, for now, but make no mistake, if you fail me I will not hesitate to show you the Darkest forms of depravity at my hand.” It was the closest thing to a commendation any Shade got.

  “There is more, my sire, something I felt that I believe you shall be quite interested in.”

  “Indeed, then out with it, I have no time or patience for theatrics Syneous.” Cymeryn demanded.

  “I know you believe Reyn is the key, and she may well be, but I do believe whatever strength exists in the Mother may have passed to the daughter.” He smiled deviously.

  “Explain yourself,” Cymeryn raised a brow contemplating how interesting a turn of events that would be.

  “When I introduced my Dark essence in her I felt it, saw it in fact as my own mind was merged with hers. The essence in her does not separate but merges. It can be used to work as one. If my understanding of what you say of Reyn is correct, then Star is Gray as well, a mixture of both Light and Dark. What I believe is even more pertinent to be aware of though is Byryn.”

  “What of my treacherous son?” Trevyn approached in a particularly foul mood. Cymeryn had not allowed him to toy with the female as of yet and he was seething from his son’s betrayal.

  “I believe that Star has infected him, not truly turning him to Light, but making him Gray.”

  “What would lead you to this conclusion? You had no contact with the boy directly.” Cymeryn studied him.

  “Simple, I felt the essence that began to flood her. I believe it was intended to be Light, I even sensed love in it, but it was not pure Light.”

  “Oh? And what makes you think my son would wield Light at all?” Trevyn spat, the idea obviously deplorable to the Shade.

  Syneous ignored him and continued “Star was affected greatly by her mother’s awakening. If she was equally affected by mine, she would have started to lose it in school. Byryn likely thought she was just experiencing the essence for the first time and shared essences with her, not realizing what would happen because he didn’t know what she was. I believe he took on Light from her. I looked through her eyes, he was kissing her, sending his energy through her….his Gray energy. He is not capable of pure Light and it’s possible that pure Light would affect him as any other, but he wields a weaker version of Gray energy. It is still unstable, swaying back towards Dark at times, but I believe if they were to strengthen their bond, they could both be awakened Gray.”

  “This is very interesting indeed.” Cymeryn paced, “They almost seem to be creating a new species all together. I must report these finding to Lord Lazurys. I want reports from the fields and those unawakened rounded and sorted before I return.”

  “Yes, my sire” both Shade bowed.

  This was an interesting turn of events. Perhaps the purpose of this new power was not to destroy Dark or Light, but to merge them both. It made no matter what she was, a Fae could be turned and as she was some form of Fae, so could she. He was quite sure once she tasted his essence he could possess Reyn. He had only to make her remember and he would relish in the taste of her over and over.

  Chapter 14

  She was suffocating. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t move, everything boiled with fire and pain. She couldn’t help but fee
l the impending sense of failure. She was about to fail her Father, but she couldn’t understand that thought. What bothered her most of all was she was going to fail everyone who had waited so long for her return. Those who had all but remained trapped in their roles and fates till she awakened.

  There was a sudden ease within her as some of the pressure alleviated. She thought that this was probably the end of a long wave that had rolled through her and she braced herself for another to hit, bringing back the intense pain. In a way the pattern of it reminded her of the contractions she had when she gave birth to Star. They came in waves, ebbing off and then flowing again, increasing in length and intensity until they nearly overwhelmed you, but in the end you had a new baby full of life and potential to show for it. She supposed in a way this was similar but instead of a baby the new life she was bringing forth was her own.

  The next wave rolled through her but it wasn’t quite as intense. She felt a sudden draw on what she now understood was her essence as the wave increased and then a soft flow that felt so achingly familiar it about broke her heart. She drew on it, held to it, following it in her mind and she was suddenly there, in his arms.

  “There you are my love,” He breathed a sigh of relief, “You scared me.”

  “Me too.” She melted into the safe feel of his arms.

  “You need to learn how to control it love, or it will continue to overwhelm you. I can help you through this, but only you know when it’s too much.” He brushed the tangled hair from her face.

  “I’m so hot, my skin is on fire Marcus. I don’t understand how I can even concentrate.”

  “Sure you can,” He smiled at her, “How many uncomfortable poses did you suffer through in yoga, learning to focus? It’s the same thing, love. You did it then and you can do it now. Whether you realized it or not you’ve trained yourself for this your entire life.”

  She stared into his eyes knowing he was right. She focused on leveling her breathing and began to reach deep within to find her center.