Revelations (Mists of the Fae Book 1) Read online

Page 15

  Marcus stood turning to face Staryana. His hands were raised in a posture of surrender. “I didn’t hurt him Star, I swear. I only needed him to believe I was Cymeryn so we would know without doubt where his intentions lie. I know you trust him but I cannot afford to be careless with the safety of you and your Mother.”

  She pulled free of Trina’s grasp, her hands on her hips. “And where exactly is my Mother? Are you alright Byryn?”

  “I’m fine Brightness. He didn’t hurt me so much as scare the living shit out of me.” He responded as Marcus chuckled softly.

  “What exactly do you think is funny?” She spat. Her anger was palpable.

  “You’re just like her, you know, I get that same attitude from your Mom when I upset her.” Marcus smiled. “She said to tell you that you are her little pumpernickel. She’s safe, Starshine and I won’t hurt your friend. I just needed to be sure he was truly your friend and not just manipulating you. In fact, if he behaves I might just save his life tonight.”

  The tension immediately eased out of Staryana and tears streamed down her face. “You really do know Mom.” She sobbed. Byryn jumped up and went to her taking her in his arms. He couldn’t bear to see her cry. He felt he would do anything to sooth her. She turned around to face Marcus, but leaned against him remaining in the shelter of his embrace. “Is she really safe? Is she hurt?”

  Marcus cocked his brow as he studied them but answered her, “She’s safe Star. I promise you and we’re going to go to her now.”

  “But what about Byryn?” She glanced up at him nervously.

  “What about him? He’ll be coming with us.” Marcus replied matter-of-factly.

  Byryn closed his eyes. He knew he couldn’t put her or her Mother in danger, but he didn’t know if he had the strength to let her go. Even as he choked on the words he didn’t want to say he tightened his embrace. “I’m sorry Brightness, but I can’t come with you. Cymeryn and Trevyn will be able to track me anywhere I go. It’s only a matter of time before my sire reaches through the shield you have in place to find his blood in me.”

  “I don’t understand Byryn. I really wish someone would tell me what the hell you all keep talking about because seriously half of it makes no fucking sense.” She groaned in aggravation as she turned to face him.

  “That’s a very brave and noble gesture, Byryn. It seems Grifyn has chosen very wisely to place his trust in you.” Marcus met his eyes with approval. “It’s unnecessary, however. Where we’re going, no one will be able to find you but me.”

  Marcus studied the boy. Grifyn had been right. He was confused about what was happening, but did not shrink from it. He was terrified of the ways he thought he was going to die at the hands of the Shade, but wouldn’t sacrifice her to save himself. There was definitely Light in him. Marcus had sensed him when he held him by the throat. He had even shared some of his essence with the boy to bring him back into balance when his rage had surged forth. It hadn’t hurt him only calmed him. It was a very interesting turn of events indeed.

  “This is what’s going to happen,” Grifyn spoke taking charge. “It’s too risky to travel outside the Light. We can’t use your bike again Byryn, now that Trevyn is tracking you there is no way he won’t find you. The bike stays here.”

  Byryn nodded grimly. The bike obviously meant something to him.

  “We,” Grifyn motioned between himself and Marcus, “Are going to carry you and Star on our backs. It will allow us to transport you quickly and still keep our hands free in case of an attack. Trina and Ryo, you will keep pace with us enveloping the four of us in your Light. Hopefully it will buy us enough time to get to the entryway.”

  Everyone nodded.

  “We go now.” Marcus spoke, “Daylight is wasting. Star, I’ll carry you.”

  She turned to Byryn and kissed him softly as he squeezed her in his arms briefly. He smiled weakly then lightly pushed her away, “Go ahead Brightness, it’ll be alright.”

  She walked over and Marcus knelt to help her climb onto him as Byryn got situated on Grifyn’s back. “Everyone ready?” Marcus asked.

  When he received the affirmative he took off, Grifyn at his side, moving with the speed of the wind. He could feel the Light Trina and Ryo had formed around them. They moved in synchronization relatively easily. It reminded him of when he had been one of them; a Guardian. He frowned as his thoughts turned to Kato. He hoped the Fae was alright.

  They arrived in the woods mere minutes later stopping close to where the entryway had been. Marcus surveyed the area and sensed the opening had shifted further west. He and Grifyn moved cautiously through the woods. The sun was beginning its decent. They only had minutes till sunfall. When they reached the portal he felt two Shade approaching. He put her down and gripped his sword. Grifyn followed suit.

  He turned to the young. “Listen to me. There is no time to explain. I need you both to hold hands. I am going to send you into the Sanctuary. I want you to head west away from the entryway. Whatever you do, do not come back through this door.” He turned to Byryn impressing both his promise and warning upon the boy. “Keep her safe. I’ll find you when I can. There is no one who can reach you there save me and nowhere you can hide that I can’t find.” As Marcus felt the Shade form he shoved them through the entryway.

  He turned as Trina cried out. Trevyn had her by the throat, a shadowy blade against her belly.

  “Return my progeny, Fae and I will return what’s yours. Although she is quite a spirited one. I would take great delight in breaking her.” Trevyn sneered as he gyrated against her roughly and she fought and squirmed against him.

  Marcus swung his blade, “If you want the boy Trevyn you will have to force me to reveal him. Let her go and meet my blade or do you require the shield of a female to protect you.”

  Another Shade stepped forward. Cymeryn’s essence flowed around him but he would recognize him anywhere. He pointed his blade at Marcus. “First you must deal with me, Fae.” Sean sneered. “Very Dark of you to seduce a man’s wife, but then Reyn always was an excellent toy. I’m sure the slut has spread herself for you to enjoy already. I can’t wait to find the bitch. It will be so much fun to watch your twin break her.”

  Marcus clenched his jaw. “She is no longer yours Sean. You are Shade. The Shade do not marry.”

  “My name is now Syneous, and you’re right, she is no longer my wife, but she is my sire’s slave.” He taunted. “I grant her to him willingly. You, I’ll kill for the pleasure.”

  “Release the female Shade,” Grifyn bit out, pain seemed to lace his words which caught Marcus’ attention.

  Trevyn laughed, “You may try to take her, Fae.”

  The sun began to set and Shadows slowly slinked across the ground. They were out of time.

  “Go,” Trina choked out, her eyes resolved.

  “I won’t leave you.” Grifyn spat.

  “You have too.” She grimaced as the blade slid slowly across her belly spilling some of her blood. Grifyn’s eyes flared in rage.

  Crytos and Demytria took form behind Trevyn and Syneous and Marcus could feel Cymeryn approaching. “She’s right Grifyn, there is no choice.”

  “Forget it Marcus!” Grifyn spat as he lowered his weapon. “I will give myself to you, Trevyn. I will take her place. Release her!”

  “That is a very tempting proposal given you are next in line for Praetor. Tell me, how is Kato healing hmmm?” Trevyn mused

  “No! Grifyn!” Trina screamed, “Marcus?!”

  Marcus met her pleading eyes as the Shade began to advance slowly. There was no time and they were sorely out numbered. He grabbed Grifyn and Ryo firmly by the arms and fell backward, pulling the three of them into the entryway.

  Chapter 13

  Cymeryn formed in time to see his brother pull the others through an entryway of some kind. One blink and they were gone along with the doorway. “Spread out and find that portal.” He snarled in fury turning to Trevyn, “Take her back to the house and chain her. She may
prove useful, but do not dare partake in her, Trevyn. You have yet to redeem yourself in my graces.”

  The Shade nodded and drove his blade into her stomach as she cried out in pain. She would have enough Darkness flowing through her now for him to take her. They misted to the house.

  The Dark Lord would be calling on him soon and he had nothing to show for his efforts. Someone would feel his wrath before this night ended if he didn’t have some viable plan to reach her.

  Crytos spoke hesitantly. “There is no sign of them or the gate my Supryn.”

  He was about to lash out when Syneous spoke. “I can get to them, sire. I can feel them in my head and I know I can crawl into theirs. The girl has Shade in her blood. I will corrupt her and she will come to us of her own free will.”

  Cymeryn smiled wickedly. The blood, he had forgotten the way it tied progeny to sire. The girl was young and untaught. Syneous would have no difficulty reaching her with the strength of Cymeryn’s essence in his veins. “Go back to the house and begin working on it immediately, Syneous…Demytria,” Cymeryn turned to her, “Go check on the Councilman’s progress and have him deliver Kato to you, hmmm? That Fae may prove of great value afterall.”

  She grinned widely as she fading into Shadow.

  “Crytos, return to the fronts, have them push forward so the Council feels the pressure. Make sure my Kyndra know if their rank of Umbra do not gain ground on the lines they currently hold I will take a pound of their flesh for each mile gained by the others.”

  “Yes Supryn.” Crytos bowed as he left.

  Projecting his voice so it carried through the Darkness as he commanded the Shadows, “Go forth and gather the unawakened. Those of Light, and of Dark. I want them all brought to me.”

  Cymeryn was tired of the games. He would bring the Fae to their knees. One way or another he would possess Reyn. There would soon be nowhere in all the realms she could hide.

  Grifyn paced, he was enraged and couldn’t gain control. He lashed out at Marcus, “How dare you intervene! How dare you step in and prevent me from trading myself from her! You hide for nearly a century, abandoning your post as Praetor while the rest of us were left struggling to pick up the pieces and now you see fit to intervene, now!”

  He gripped hold of a small tree tearing it from the ground. He could not believe they had left Trina there, left her in the grasp of the Shade. Trevyn would torture her, break her will until she begged him to turn her to end the suffering.

  “Grifyn, were you trying to get closer to Demytria, or is Trina your mate?” Marcus’ tone was soft and gentle but it irked him anyway.

  “His mate?” Ryo sounded shocked. “Whatever would make you think that? They would never be allowed to serve in the same unit and they do not wear the markings.”

  Grifyn refused to answer he merely tore another tree from the ground launching it through the clearing.

  “When was Demytria turned Grifyn? I know the two of you were very close.” Marcus treaded very carefully and Grifyn knew why. He could sense the hatred and anger taking root in himself. Grifyn still remained silent, unable to form words through his pain.

  Ryo cleared his throat, “She was turned forty years ago. Cymeryn…” He trailed off and Grifyn glanced over seeing that Marcus had raised a hand motioning him to stop.

  “Grifyn, I will not push you to discuss this. I know better than most what it is that is tearing through your heart. I can sense it in you, I can see it…I have lived it.” Marcus met his eyes, “I can see the truth without your admissions.”

  “I will not lose her Marcus! Not her too! How dare you make such a choice for me?!”

  “Use your reason Grifyn. Trevyn is cunning and vicious. He would have gladly claimed you, but he would never allow her to go free.” Marcus urged Grifyn to see the logic he spoke. “Your reaction was plain to see, my friend. Trevyn would not have missed it.”

  A voice called tentatively from nearby. “He’s right.” Byryn walked cautiously over to them. Star trailing just behind him. “Trevyn raised me from the time I was five. He never would have missed the opportunity to claim you both. In fact, he never would have taken her if he wasn’t already sure he had complete control of the situation.” He wisely stopped a few feet away. “Trevyn is nothing if not calculating. He knew taking her would get a reaction and that he might gain enough leverage to manipulate at least one of you. It’s a tactic used to at least wound another so that he could take a mated pair.”

  “Get out of here boy!” Grifyn spat. “It is not wise of you to test me right now given what you are.”

  Byryn shrugged and stated very simply, “No. You saw something in me and saw fit to spare my life. I told you, my life is yours. If you see fit to end it here so be it.”

  “Byryn! No!” Star shouted.

  The boy continued to stare down Grifyn, “I can feel better than any other here how close you are to turning because of what I am.” He took a few steps closer. “If that is what you want then I’ll leave you be. If slaking your rage on me is what it takes to wake you up, then do so. But if you want any hope of saving your mate, then you need to get control of yourself now.”

  Grifyn stood there shaking, shocked. This boy had all but lain his life at his feet. Offered up his throat like the sacrificial lamb to absolve Grifyn of his sins. He watched as the boy stepped closer still and Marcus caught Star as she tried lunge forth to grab hold of him. It was the combination of his sacrifice and the tears that streamed down Star’s face that broke through the dark shell that had begun to form around his heart. Before he could stop himself he had reached forward grabbing the boy by the shoulders drawing him to him as sobs shook through his body. He felt uncertain arms come up to wrap around him as the well of emotions trapped within him burst forth and he collapsed taking them both to their knees.

  Byryn spoke softly, “I’ll help you get her back, in any way that I’m able. I will help you.”

  Grifyn nodded, slowly gaining his composure and feeling like a complete fool for losing it in the first place. He slowly rose releasing Byryn. He clapped the boy loosely on the shoulder and started moving westerly, unwilling and unable to further discuss it at the moment.

  “Let’s go. I promised Star we would get her safely to her Mother. Standing here will not accomplish that.” Grifyn stated his voice hoarse and far weaker than he meant it to sound.

  He only saw Marcus nod and turn to lead the way.

  The pain continued to roll through her ebbing and flowing in waves. Mythos had tried to help but quickly stopped. He couldn’t draw her energy in because the Dark was surging with the Light, and adding more Light only made the attacks worse. She needed Marcus. She tried to meditate through it but the pain was just too strong. She felt like she was dying.

  “Mythos” She groaned and felt the Fae take her hand. “Please…..tell her I….”

  He cut her off, “You will tell her yourself Reyana. You will not give in to this.” His voice was strong and commanding. “I may not know you well now but I know your spirit. I have seen it in you in this short time and I know you do not give up for anything. You must hold on a bit longer.”

  “Not, much, left,” She strained.

  “Marcus will be here momentarily. Star will be here momentarily. You must not give up. Destiny has not brought you this far for you to die in your awakening.” His stern voice implored her.

  All she could manage was a slight nod.

  She felt a cool cloth placed on her forehead and relished in the feel of it. Though she seemed to be alternating between freezing and burning up, her skin seemed to continuously feel as though it were on fire. Which didn’t really make sense but nothing really did at the moment.

  “Reyana, can you hear me?” Mythos suddenly sounded oddly far away. He also sounded panicked for the first time since she had met him. “Reyana! I will not lose you again. Do you hear me? You stay with me!”

  She knew he was still talking to her, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying anymore. S
he was lost in the swirling churn of Light and Darkness.

  Marcus moved slowly through the misty forest, he wanted to give Grifyn enough time to compose himself. He also wanted to be certain the Fae had control of himself enough that the Darkness did not take hold. He would never get out of this place without Marcus’ guidance, so there was no risk of him taking Reyana or Star, but there was no reason to risk it.

  Marcus felt for the Fae. He dreaded even to think of what Cymeryn wanted to inflict on Reyana, but that was fear not reality. In truth he did not possess her. Though he had once been responsible for her death and the pain she endured still tortured his soul, he did not possess her now. She was safe in Marcus’ cabin and safe from the vile predilections of the Shade. If they had manage to take her, he would be going insane. In fact when they’d killed her he had.

  He studied his old friend and considered where things stood. Grifyn was fragile, and Trina was gone. Kato had been infected and his mate, Demytria, was already Shade. He was in severe risk of turning. Their options were dwindling. They needed a plan. They needed some way to even the score. He just didn’t know if it were possible.

  He motioned Ryo to come closer and when he was in range he spoke softly. “We need to come up with some recourse of action. I can reason out our options but I’m limited on current knowledge. In truth when Demytria appeared her form took me quite by surprise.”

  Ryo nodded, “Unfortunately, in the last 50 years since King Mythion’s death, there have been many unwelcome surprises. It is not King Mythos’ fault, the Council keeps him bound to the Palace. He has been unable to fully investigate the matters as he is forbidden from the fronts, any of the territories really. They try to keep him relegated to the Palace grounds, and in doing so they immobilize his power.”